Friday, March 4, 2016

Hair Beauty Tips

1. A model told me this trick. She runs a Gold Shimmer stick through her blonde hair and then brushes through. Instant shimmer and highlights, especially around the face.
2. To create amazing waves and texture in hair,
create your own 'texture spray' with a spray bottle of literally 3/4 water and 1/4 salt. Mix, and spray into dry hair light, and scrunch. Your hair gets instantly
thicker and wavier. Just don't overdo it. Salt can dry out color, processed and fried hair.
3. You're coloring your hair, and you goofed. You
got hair color on your skin. What to do? Grab your
skin BufPuf, or pumice stone. On damp skin, rub off
until your stain is gone. Yes, your skin will be a little
pink, but by buffing the top layer of the skin, you've
also removed the hair color stain as well.
4. Tired of dealing with hair colored stained skin? Apply a layer of vaseline onto your forehead and temples to keep color from getting onto the skin. Wipe off when you see the color developing and turning darker. Then apply another layer to keep color off as your rinse and shampoo.
5. Need a deep conditioning treatment for your hair
in a jiffy? Use virgin olive oil. The virgin brand leaves
no scent and it's the closest to your scalp's natural
oils. It's also the easiest to wash out of your hair. The
easy way to apply? Try mixing olive oil with water (3
parts olive oil to 1 part water) in a spray bottle, and
spritz on dry hair at night. Or, for help with those dry
ends, on those pony tail days, coat your palms with a
little olive oil and coat the ends of dry hair. You hair
will be super shiny, soft and moisture-rich. Use
during the day as a shine enhancer.
6. Can't wash out that oil treatment from your hair?
Apply shampoo on dry hair first. Work through, then
apply water, lather and rinse. Repeat if necessary.
7. Damaged, dry hair? Conditioner not doing the
trick? Maybe it's how you're applying it. Instead of
applying your conditioner to wet hair, wait for a lazy
day or a lonely night. Then on dry hair, saturate your hair with a deep penetrating conditioner and let soak in. Then leave on overnight, or all day (a ponytailed
baseball hat look works the best.) Shampoo the next morning. All those frizzies, dry ends and straw like
hair will be banished.
8. Have left over hair conditioner from those hair
color kits? Save them for your next hair color
application. What do you do with them? Apply a thin
layer of the conditioner around your forehead and
hairline to prevent hair color from staining your skin.
When you're done applying color, just wipe off.
9. Forgot your shaving lotion? In a pinch, use hair conditioner, body lotion or hair styling cream. Apply, shave and rinse when you're done.
10. Hair product not quite doing what you want it to do? Do what the pros do. Mix two together.   Mix a mousse with a dab of styling gel, or a styling cream with a dot of hair gloss.   Mix and match and create your own super styling combo.

11. Trick of the trade. Always apply a quarter size of styling product. That's all you need, really. And apply from the ends up, unless it's a root lift styling product. Then that goes into the scalp.more...