Blood supply to the skin

Anatomy of the circulation
The blood reaching the skin originates from deep vessels.
These then feed interconnecting vessels which supply the vascular plexuses of
fascia, subcutaneous tissue and skin.
Deep vessels
The deep vessels arise from the aorta and divide to form the main arterial supply
to the head, neck, trunk and limbs.
Interconnecting vessels
The interconnecting system is composed of:
Fasciocutaneous (or septocutaneous) perforating vessels
These vessels reach the skin by traversing fascial septae.
They provide the main arterial supply to the skin in the limbs.
Musculocutaneous vessels
These vessels reach the skin via direct muscular branches from the deep
These branches enter muscle bellies and divide into multiple perforating
branches, which travel up to the skin.
The musculocutaneous system provides the main arterial supply to the skin of
the torso.
Vascular plexuses of fascia, subcutaneous tissue and skin
Vascular plexuses of the fascia, subcutaneous tissue and skin are divided into six layers.
1 Subfascial plexus
• A small plexus lying on the undersurface of the fascia.
2 Prefascial plexus
• A larger plexus particularly prominent on the limbs.
• Predominantly supplied by fasciocutaneous vessels.
3 Subcutaneous plexus
• Lies at the level of the superficial fascia.
• Mainly supplied by musculocutaneous vessels.
• Predominant on the torso.
4 Subdermal plexus
• Receives blood from the underlying plexuses.
• The main plexus supplying blood to the skin.
• Represented by dermal bleeding observed in incised skin.
5 Dermal plexus
• Mainly composed of arterioles.
• Plays an important role in thermoregulation.
6 Subepidermal plexus
• Contains small vessels without muscle in their walls.
• Has a predominantly nutritive and thermoregulatory function.
• An angiosome is a composite block of tissue supplied by a named artery.
• The area of skin supplied by an artery was first studied by Manchot in 1889.
• His work was expanded by Salmon in the early 1930s, and more recently by
Taylor and Palmer.
• The anatomical territory of an artery is the area in which the vessel branches
ramify before anastomosing with adjacent vessels.
• The dynamic territory of an artery is the area into which staining extends after
intravascular infusion of fluorescein.
• The potential territory of an artery is the area that can be included in a flap if it is
• The vessels that pass between anatomical territories are called choke vessels.
The transverse rectus abdominis muscle (TRAM) flap illustrates the angiosome
concept well.
• Zone 1
• This receives musculocutaneous perforators from the deep inferior epigastric
artery (DIEA) and is therefore in its anatomical territory.
Zones 2 and 3
• There is some controversy as to which of the following zones is 2 and which
is 3; the numbers of these zones are interchanged in various texts.
• The portion of skin lateral to zone 1 is in the anatomical territory of the
superficial circumflex iliac artery (SCIA). Blood has to travel through a set of
choke vessels to reach it from the ipsilateral DIEA.
1• The portion of skin on the other side of the linea alba is in the anatomical area
of the contralateral DIEA. This area is reliably perfused in a TRAM flap based on
the contralateral DIEA and is therefore within its dynamic territory.
Zone 4
• This lies furthest from the pedicle and is in the anatomical territory of
 the contralateral SCIA.
• Blood passing from the flap pedicle to zone 4 has to cross two sets of choke vessels.
• This portion of the TRAM flap has the worst blood supply and for this reason
it is often discarded.
Arterial characteristics
From his detailed anatomical dissections Taylor made the following observations:
1 Vessels usually travel with nerves.
2 Vessels obey the law of equilibriumaif one is small, its neighbour will tend to be
3 Vessels travel from fixed to mobile tissue.
4 Vessels have a fixed destination but a varied origin.
5 Vessel size and orientation is a product of growth.
The microcirculation
Terminal arterioles are present in the reticular dermis and terminate as they enter
the capillary network.
The precapillary sphincter is the last part of the arterial tree containing muscle
within its wall. It is under neural control and regulates the blood flow into the
capillary network.
Arteriovenous anastomoses (AVAs) connect the arterioles to the efferent veins.
Blood flowing through AVAs bypasses the capillary bed and has a thermoregulatory
rather than nutritive function.
AVAs are of two types:
1 Indirect AVAs are convoluted structures known as glomera and are densely
innervated by autonomic nerves.
2 Direct AVAs are much less convoluted and have a sparser autonomic supply.
The blood supply to the skin far exceeds its nutritive requirementsamuch of it
bypasses the capillary beds via the AVAs and has a primarily thermoregulatory function.
Control of blood flow
The muscular tone of vessels is controlled by the following factors.
Pressure of the blood within vessels (myogenic theory)
• The myogenic theory was originally described by Bayliss and states that:
• Increased intraluminal pressure results in constriction of vessels.
• Decreased intraluminal pressure results in their dilatation.
• This mechanism helps to keep blood flow constant and is the cause of the immediate
hyperaemia observed on release of a tourniquet.
Neural innervation
• Arterioles, AVAs and precapillary sphincters are densely innervated by sympathetic
• Neural control regulates skin blood flow in the following ways.
• Increased arteriolar tone results in a decrease of cutaneous blood flow.
• Increased precapillary sphincter tone reduces the blood flow into the capillary
• Decreased AVA tone results in an increase in the non-nutritive blood flow
bypassing the capillary bed.
Humoral factors
• Epinephrine (adrenaline) and norepinephrine (noradrenaline) cause vasoconstriction
of the vessels.
• Histamine and bradykinin cause vasodilatation.
• Low oxygen saturation, high carbon dioxide saturation and acidosis also result
in vasodilatation.
Increased heat produces cutaneous vasodilatation and increased flow which predominantly

bypasses the capillary beds via the AVAs.