100 Beauty Tips

Foundation Beauty Tips
1. For a sheer look, dilute your foundation with 2
drops of water for normal skin, toner for dry skin, or 2 drops of Witch Hazel for oily skin into your
2. For the look of perfect skin, apply your foundation
first, then mix your concealer into your foundation.
Apply on the mixture into areas that need more
converge, then lightly powder. By mixing your
concealer and foundation together, you get the
perfect color and perfect coverage every time.
3. Want to lighten your stick foundation coverage?
Just mix the stick foundation with a dot of moisturizer
on the back of your hand.You'll still get the coverage
that you like, without the heaviness. Update your look
even more, by applying only where needed, like
under the eyes, around the nose ,and spot applying
where needed. Set with a touch of loose powder, and
your look just went from opaque to sheer.
4. Want to keep that summer glow going all year
round? An easy way is to take your favorite bronzer
stick or liquid, and run a bit on your fingertips. And
your moisturizer on top. Blend and apply on your
face. What you get is a softer and lighter version of
your bronzer that works for the fall and winter
5. Try dusting your foundation with a dash of loose
translucent powder. The powder soaks up extra oils in the base and creates a matte foundation that stays on hours longer.
6. Apply a light dusting of loose powder on clean skin before applying foundation. It helps skin look matte
hours longer by giving the powder a chance to grab
oils and shine before breaking through the
7. Try this great photography makeup trick. Create
perfect looking skin with great coverage with a real
skin look. Apply your liquid foundation as normal, but about x2 as much as you need. Then, with a folded
Kleenex, lightly press into the skin. The Kleenex
grabs excess oils from the foundation, leaving pure
pigment on the skin. Perfect for creating a flawless
complexion, and for turning an oil-based foundation
into a lighter version.
8. Want to create a flawless, pefectly contoured bone
structure? The old way was to use a dark brown
powder to draw shadows under cheekbones and to
trim down noses and double chins. The new way? Is
softer, easier and looks more real. Take a foundation
shade that's 2-3 shades darker than your regular
shade.   Apply your regular foundation first, and then
with a foundation brush, apply your darker shade
underneath cheekbones, on the temples, under the
tip of the nose, under the chin, wherever you feel it's
needed. Blend well into the other shade. Viola. You
have a perfectly contoured bone structure that looks
good in any type of lighting and looks more real than
the 'brown streaks' of yesteryear.
9. Want to add a glow to your foundation? Take a
shimmer powder, like Mac's Dust, or shimmer
pressed shades in gold, silver or pink and add a
pinch to your foundation. By mixing it in first, and
then applying, you get an overall glow to your whole
face that's not too shiny looking.
Concealer Beauty Tips
10. For a natural look, apply concealer after you've applied your foundation. This way you don't end up applying too much, since your foundation will cover most of the discolorations first.

11. To get a perfect color match every time, mix a drop of your foundation into your concealer before applying.

12. Want extra, long lasting coverage with your
concealer? Apply a touch of loose powder into your concealer before you apply it. This will keep it from creasing later in the day. You'll find you'll also need less product.

13. A model once told me she uses a Concealer
Pencil on her lips first. She fills in the lip, and then
applies an old, dark lipstick. The concealer pencil
lightens up the lipstick shade by about 3-4 shades.
To make current, she applies a top coat of lip gloss.
A great way to modernize a favorite dark shade.

14. Have dark blue under eye circles? Make sure your concealer is on the peach side, to calm down blue tones.

15. Have dark gray under eye circles? Make sure
your concealer is on the pink side, to calm down

16. Have a concealer that is too creamy? Or creases just hours after you've applied it? Apply with the tips of your fingers so that the heat of your hand melts
the product into the skin more. Then take a kleenex
and lightly press any excess concealer off. You're
mostly pressing oils from the concealer, which helps with creasing later.

17. Have a double does of darkness under your
eyes? Do a double application. Take your concealer and apply lightly, then a layer of foundation, then a layer of concealer on top of that. Press with a
kleenex to press out extra oils and then powder. Sometimes a bit more is all that's needed.
Powder Beauty Tips
18. To keep humidity away, apply a light dusting of loose powder first on clean skin before you apply 
your foundation. This first layer of powder helps
foundation adhere better if your base has a tendency to disappear in a few hours.
19. Customize your own loose powder. In a shaker container, mix 1 tsp of a loose shimmer, yellow or mauve eye shadow into your loose powder. Yellow helps to calm red and pink skin tones, mauve calms down excess yellow skin tones and shimmer creates a night time glow to the face and body.
20. Want your makeup to last all day? Mist your face with water after you've applied all your makeup to set your colors and setting powder. It really does make a difference.
21. Create your own eye shadow base. Mist a new, 
clean pressed powder puff with water. Then pick up
some loose powder (translucent is best) with the puff.
Apply lightly to the eyelids.   Blend softely and let dry.
Then apply your shadows on top. An instant eye shadow base that really works.
Eyeshadow Beauty Tips
22. For best results, pick up your eye shadow color 
with the side of your eye shadow brush, not the tips.
Running the brush across with the tips of the bristles
only picks up too much product, and sends it flying.
You know this is you if you get a 'hole' in the middle
of your color. Apply by pressing on the color instead
of brushing it on to avoid color from falling. Great for
applying dark and heavily frosted and glitter colors.
23. To make a powdered shadow color go on
stronger, apply your colored shadow with a makeup sponge or an eye shadow applicator. The color will go on exactly the way you see it in the pan.
24. For a softer version of an eye shadow color, pick 
up some white or cream colored eye shadow first on
your brush, next pick up your color and then apply.
The lighter color will soften the intensity of the
25. Your colors not going on right? Are you getting 
colors in the wrong area? It could be your brush
that's the culprit.     Make sure your brushes fit the 
area you are applying to. The smaller the brush, the 
smaller the application area. Smaller brushes are
great for applying under the eyebrow.   A larger, flat 
brush is perfect for shadows that go on the lids.   A 
long fluffy shadow brush is great for the crease.   It's
all in the brush.

Lipstick Beauty Tips
26. For extra staying power, apply a dot of a matte or shine control product on lips. Let set and then apply your lipstick as usual.
27. Want to lighten a lipstick color? Apply a dot of shimmer stick on your lips, and then apply your lipstick. Instant lightness.
28. Want a lip color that will last all day? When doing
a recent Aids Benefit fashion show, to save time we
used a red cream blush on the lips as well. It lasted
forever. Because cream blush has a higher staining
quality, it lasts longer and wears off more evenly than
lipstick. Tip: Skip the lip gloss and it'll last even
29. Do you have dry lips and want a moisturizing
lipstick? Apply your best lip balm or conditioner first, and your regular, not creamy lipstick on top. You'll get longer lasting results without the smearing of a cream based lipstick.
30. Want a great long lasting sheer lipstick? Grab a
matte lipstick, and apply moisturizer both before and
after your lipstick. Moisturizer before will keep your
lips soft, without drying out, and moisturizer after, will update it to a sheerer color.
31. Lip balm really does work in creating a smoother surface to apply lipstick or lip pencil too. But the trick is to make sure the lip balm is completely soaked up by the skin before applying anything else. Get in the
habit of applying your lip balm the same time you
apply your skin moisturizer (or sunscreen).   By the
time you get to your makeup, your lips will be perfect for application. If you apply your lipstick or pencil right after, you're actually adding the feathering and
creasing problem because the slickness of the lip
balm will add to the slick factor.
32. Love mixing lip colors to get your own customized shade but always end up getting muddy, too dark
looking shades? The trick is in the two shades you're
mixing.   Always mix two shades together that are in
the same color range. Like two pinks, or two reds
together. You'll always get a perfect blend. Feeling
more adventurous? Mix two colors together that are
in the same color family. Like a pink and a red, or a
beige and a brown.
Lip Pencil Beauty Tips
33. Want a universal lip pencil that will go with every
lipstick color you own? Any shade of a rosy nude
color will work. The closest to your natural lip color is
the best. Remember to draw a lip line, and then fill in
the lip with the pencil. Apply your lipstick or lip gloss
on top.
34. Want to darken any lipstick color you have? Apply a light brown lip pencil over your lips, and then apply your lipstick color on top. Instant depth.
35. For perfect lips, apply your lip pencil both before
and after your lipstick.You'll find that the wax in the
pencil actually helps keep the lipstick from bleeding.
36. When blotting lipstick, apply tissue completely
over lips closed, instead of saying 'ah' and bitting the Kleenex. You'll notice that when you blot the entire lip this way, you get the entire 'lip print' on the Kleenex, which keeps lipstick edges from bleeding and
feathering, not just the center.
37. Can't find that right lip pencil shade? The
universal shade for pretty much any lip color is a light light brown. Can't find it? Try looking for a beige, or a blonde eyebrow pencil. Works every time.
Lip Gloss Beauty Tips
38.Want your lip gloss to stay on longer? Brush a dot
of loose powder on lips first and then your lip gloss.
39. Want to create a fuller lip? Apply a dot of
shimmer lip gloss over your lipstick. The lighter,
shimmering color will create the illusion of a fuller
pout regardless of what lipstick color you're wearing.
40. Have an eye gloss that just is not working for you? Use it as lip gloss.You'll find that it can lasts even longer than your regular lip gloss.
41. In humid weather I found out that lip gloss fades super fast. To keep the look, apply a very matte
lipstick in a light shade, blot, and powder, and then apply lip gloss (clear or shimmering) on top. You'll find that the color and shine lasts hours longer
because of the matte lipstick.
42. Want a shiny, glossy lipstick, without the drips?
Apply your lipstick ON TOP of your clear lip gloss.
The gloss will dilute and create a shiny color, and by
applying the lipstick on top of the gloss, you won't get
the glossy bleeding after you've worn it for 2 hours.
43. For longest wearing lipgloss, apply a nude lip
pencil, or the new invisible lip pencils on your lips
first. Then apply your lip gloss on top. This gives the lip gloss something to hold on to and lasts a few
hours longer.
Blush Beauty Tips
44. For a 'healthy' glow, tap blush on the apples of your cheeks when you smile. Your guideline? Never apply blush below line of the bottom of your nose: you'll look cold.
45. For correct amount of blush every time, note
where you hit with your blush brush first. That's
where the color will be the strongest and then blend out from there.
46. Keep your cream blush on longer by applying a
light coat of Vaseline or for those with oily skin, a
moisturizer on first.   You'll find your cream blush lasts hours longer.
47. Create an optical illusion with your blush by
bringing attention to your eyes. By applying color
directly 'under' your eye on the apples of your
cheeks, you will draw attention to your eyes.
48. Use your blush to focus on your hairstyle. This
optical illusion is great for showing off that beautiful
hairstyle, or for the bride at the her wedding. Smile,
and apply blush on the apples of your cheeks, and
then blend straight back towards the top of your ear.
By 'blending' backwards, you bring the focus of the line going straight back to, you guessed it; your
49. Shorten a long face with your blush placement. Apply blush close to the apples of your cheeks, and avoid blending out beyond that point. By keeping the focus of the color right underneath your eye, you give the illusion of a smaller face and you create a 'line' that 'divides' the face in half."
50. Want your blush to last longer? Use lipstick or a chubby lip pencil in a wine or bronze shade on your cheeks. Blend and then apply a touch of your colored powdered blush on top. You'll find that your color will last hours longer. Why? The wax of the pencil has more staying power than powder alone.
51. I'm a big fan of blush stains, but even I feel a few
hours wear isn't enough. Call it the professional in
me but sometimes I just want my blush to last all day
long. Here's a quick trick that I found out
accidentally....I applied one morning my 'blush'
colored powder blush and an hour later, touched up
with my liquid stain on top. It's a little tricky to blend
because the powder blush underneath makes the
stain dry quicker, but I noticed that the stain color
stayed on for hours.....and I do mean hours.About
5-6 hours later when I checked. it was still on.
52. Widen your face to create cheekbones. Apply a contouring color. Try a deeper, warmer shade of
your skin tone for color. Apply in the hollows of your cheekbones. Then apply right in the indentation of your temple. By adding contour here as well, you
create the illusion of a stronger cheekbone by going in (temple), out (cheekbone) and then in again
(underneath the cheekbone).
53. Want to create a warm golden shimmer? Try a
soft gold shimmer eye shadow. Apply lightly with a
large fluffy blush brush to spot apply on tops of
cheekbones, over eyeshadow, on lips for a day to
night look. Or mix into body or face lotion for a subtle shimmer. Sexy.
54. The right application of blush depends a lot on
the size of the blush brush. If you find that your blush
is going everywhere, it could be your blush brush is too large. Take your brush,then smile. Hit the apple of the cheek with the tips of the bristles. Does the
brush spray out over the apple of the cheek? The brush is too large. You want the brush to fit perfectly. Perfect application everytime.
55. A fan of bronzer? Make sure you don't overdo it.
The easiest application is with a fan brush, not the
regular bronzer brush. A fan brush dusts just the
right amount onto the top of the forehead, tops of
cheekbones, across the nose and across the chin.
The right glow looks great either day or night.
Eye Pencil Beauty Tips
56. To keep Eye Pencils on all day, apply a little eye 
shadow on top with a fine eyeliner brush over your 
pencil. For a dramatic effect, try any color over your
black or brown pencil. Try a high intense frost eye
shadow over black pencil. Dramatic in an instant.
Favs? Dark shimmering blues, greens and purples.
57. Run out of your favorite liquid eyeliner or black 
eye pencil? In a pinch, apply a thin line of mascara
with your eyeliner brush as eyeliner. The mascara
will last for hours and give you a great emphasis.
58. Having a hard time sharpening your eye pencil? 
To keep from crumbling, store in the refrigerator 
overnight and then sharpen. A perfect point every
59. Avoid breaking your eye pencils by always using a metal eye pencil sharpener. The plastic sharpeners give too much, breaking the tip.
More Eye Shadow Beauty Tips
60. Want to change a matte or cream eye shadow
you already have into a frost? Shimmer sticks in
silver or gold are perfect to create beautiful highlights by applying lightly on top.
61. Been wanting to try the new 'wet' looking cream eye shadows out there? Create your own: buy the famous Elizabeth Arden's 8-Hour cream and apply over any colored eyeshadow. You'll get the super wet look that lasts a few hours.
62. Here's a new trick I picked up while doing a photo 
shoot. The client wanted a sheer watercolor look for
the eyes and in a color that I didn't have. So to make
do, I mixed a little pastel pink eyeshadow into a gel
moisturizer and applied on the eyes. It dried a little
bit, which helped set it and viola...a sheer shade that
stayed on pretty well. Check your local drug store for
a gel moisturizer. They're clear and do a great job at 
keeping skin soft and shine-free. It also helps keep
foundation on longer, when mixing together,
especially when your skin is a bit on the oily side.
63. Applying eye shadows wet have always given the 
best staying power, but it's tricky to do, especially 
with dark colors. Make it easy on yourself. Apply your 
eyeshadow dry, as normal. Then with a fine mister 
bottle, lightly mist over your eyes. Keep eyes close to 
let dry. After drying, you'll find that the eyeshadow 
stays perfect and crease free for hours.
64. Have a long day ahead? Spend a little extra time with your eyeshadow to keep it on all day. Apply your shadows, then press loose powder on top to set. 

Apply another layer of your colored shadows on top. Will last hours longer.
Powder Beauty Tips
65. For a soft finish, apply loose powder with a fluffy
powder puff to press loose powder into T-zone
66. Want to create a updated warm loose powder
from a pink based loose powder? Mix in 2-4 Tbsp. of '  warm yellow ' loose powder or a matte warm yellow eye shadow into your jar of loose powder and stir.
Close with the shifter top on top. Yellow calms down any pink tones, making your pink-based powder
more wearable
Primer Beauty Tips
67. With primer being all the rage lately, here are a few tips to get the most out of your primer. Afraid you're applying too much? Apply with a foundation brush first and apply from the t-zone out. The right amount will be laid on perfectly.
68. Primer does not work will mixed into other
products. It's meant to be applied first to the skin, let set, and then apply your foundation on top. It also works good to set concealer as well.
69. Apply a dot onto the lips to create a smooth surface for lip pencils.
70. With primers, actually the less you apply the
better. Think of it as applying an invisible layer of skin 
between you and your foundation. It's not meant to
be a thick layer, which can actually interfere with the
process. The thicker the primer, the more likely you

can get whiteheads from the silicone in the product.
Skin Looks Beauty Tips
71. Want a shimmering face look for night? Take an
old liquid foundation, and add a few shaves of a
shimmery light cream or powder eye shadow or a
drop of shimmer body lotion. Apply and get the latest glowy skin.
72. A warm brick eyeshadow is the perfect all over
summer color'..for lips, cheeks, eyes...  .dust lightly
and apply a little lip gloss on top of lips and you're done.
73. It was just yesterday when we were having a
hard time keeping matte faces and lips on.   Now, believe it or not, some of us have a hard time
keeping cream products on. Trick of the trade: Like attracts like. Matte sticks to anything matte, cream sticks to anything moist.
74. On a photo shoot, I had to create a glistening
skin look quickly, and upon finding out that most
glistening sprays have Olive Oil as one of it's main
ingredients, I immediately created my own. Get a
nice glass spray bottle, easily found at Target or your local drug store, and combine Virgin Olive Oil (no
smell..and the lightest in texture) with a few drops of jasmine, rose or lavender oils and shake it up. Now you have your own glow in a bottle!
75. A quick dusting of shimmering body powder or an iridescent eye shadow over the high points of the face, (cheekbones, chin, top of nose, eyelids, across forehead..) creates a quick day to night look.
76. Want to warm up pale skin or create a special
body effect? Mix a warm yellow, lilac, bronze or
shimmering loose powder into your body lotion. Apply on legs and arms and as it dries, you'll create a soft
tinted effect that won't come off. You can also try this with your facial moisturizer to create a special tinted
77. Lately all the top fashion shows and shoots I've
done have had one thing in common. Glowy skin. No,
I don't mean shiny, or dewy, or matte, or wet. But
glowy. How to get this? Get your favorite shimmering
shimmering cream/pink/pearl eye shadow and apply
to the high points of the face. Tops of cheekbones,
eyes, chin.
78. Want that super shiny dewy look? Just apply
some lip gloss on the tops of your cheeks and you're ready to go. My favorite is the clear opalescent
ones...looks real pretty at nighttime.
79. Want to tone down ruddiness or pink skin? On
clean skin apply a light dusting of a yellow based powder. The yellow will calm down enough so that you'll need way less foundation and concealer and also adds a bit of warmth to the skin.
Skin Care Beauty Tips
80. Skin feeling dry lately? Give it a 1-2 punch. On
damp skin, apply a light layer of virgin olive oil. The
easiest way? Dilute 1 parts olive oil to 4 parts water
in a water spray bottle. Mist all over and rub in until
the oil disappears. THEN apply another layer of your
favorite body lotion. Vitamin E and Collagen enriched
are the best. Let sink in, easiest when done as part
of your night time ritual. Next morning? Baby smooth
skin .
81. I'm a big fan of those vitamin E lipsticks, chap
sticks and lip balms....but sometimes, I'll get one that
tastes just awful. Don't toss it out. Use those instead
as great nail and cuticle conditioners. Keep one on
your night stand or desk, and apply whenever you
see it. You'll have stronger nails and well conditioned
cuticles in no time.
82. Need to uplift your spirits? Try a sugar body rub:
Mix sugar into olive or corn oil and rub over dry skin
for a exfoliating rub. Then rinse off in a tub full of
warm water that's scented with aroma therapy oils.
Peppermint wakes you up, rosemary or lavender
calms you down. You'll feel like a whole new person.
83. Got some extra baby wipes around? They work perfectly to remove Nair or any depilatory if you can't get to the shower fast enough. Just note, that you
DO want to rinse completely afterwards to remove all chemicals from your skin. To remove that chemical
feeling afterwards from a depilatory, just apply some body lotion and it's gone.
84. Need to get glitter off your face after a disco night out on the town? After doing a photo shoot where we had to make a last-minute quick change, I picked up a neat trick. Remove as much as you can with a
dampened Q-tip (the water will pick up the glitter by rolling it off) and whatever excess you have left over, use a metal spatula dipped in Vaseline to lightly
'scrape' the remaining glitter.
Hair Beauty Tips
85. A model told me this trick. She runs a Gold Shimmer stick through her blonde hair and then brushes through. Instant shimmer and highlights, especially around the face.
86. To create amazing waves and texture in hair,
create your own 'texture spray' with a spray bottle of literally 3/4 water and 1/4 salt. Mix, and spray into dry hair light, and scrunch. Your hair gets instantly
thicker and wavier. Just don't overdo it. Salt can dry out color, processed and fried hair.
87. You're coloring your hair, and you goofed. You
got hair color on your skin. What to do? Grab your
skin BufPuf, or pumice stone. On damp skin, rub off
until your stain is gone. Yes, your skin will be a little
pink, but by buffing the top layer of the skin, you've
also removed the hair color stain as well.
88. Tired of dealing with hair colored stained skin? Apply a layer of vaseline onto your forehead and temples to keep color from getting onto the skin. Wipe off when you see the color developing and turning darker. Then apply another layer to keep color off as your rinse and shampoo.
89. Need a deep conditioning treatment for your hair
in a jiffy? Use virgin olive oil. The virgin brand leaves
no scent and it's the closest to your scalp's natural
oils. It's also the easiest to wash out of your hair. The
easy way to apply? Try mixing olive oil with water (3
parts olive oil to 1 part water) in a spray bottle, and
spritz on dry hair at night. Or, for help with those dry
ends, on those pony tail days, coat your palms with a
little olive oil and coat the ends of dry hair. You hair
will be super shiny, soft and moisture-rich. Use
during the day as a shine enhancer.
90. Can't wash out that oil treatment from your hair?
Apply shampoo on dry hair first. Work through, then
apply water, lather and rinse. Repeat if necessary.
91. Damaged, dry hair? Conditioner not doing the
trick? Maybe it's how you're applying it. Instead of
applying your conditioner to wet hair, wait for a lazy
day or a lonely night. Then on dry hair, saturate your hair with a deep penetrating conditioner and let soak in. Then leave on overnight, or all day (a ponytailed
baseball hat look works the best.) Shampoo the next morning. All those frizzies, dry ends and straw like
hair will be banished.
92. Have left over hair conditioner from those hair
color kits? Save them for your next hair color
application. What do you do with them? Apply a thin
layer of the conditioner around your forehead and
hairline to prevent hair color from staining your skin.
When you're done applying color, just wipe off.
93. Forgot your shaving lotion? In a pinch, use hair conditioner, body lotion or hair styling cream. Apply, shave and rinse when you're done.
94. Hair product not quite doing what you want it to do? Do what the pros do. Mix two together.   Mix a mousse with a dab of styling gel, or a styling cream with a dot of hair gloss.   Mix and match and create your own super styling combo.
95. Trick of the trade. Always apply a quarter size of styling product. That's all you need, really. And apply from the ends up, unless it's a root lift styling product. Then that goes into the scalp.
Nail Beauty Tips
96. Want to make absolutely sure that your nail
polish is dry? Take the taste test. Just lick your nail, and if you can taste nail polish, it's not dry yet. No taste? You're good to go.
97. Want to keep nail polish on longer? Do what the
professional Nail Technicians do. Take a Q-tip
dipped in rubbing alcohol, and rub over clean dry
nails. Let dry before you apply polish. By taking off
the excess oil on the surface of the nail, polish will
adhere better, and last longer. Then apply hand
moisturizer or oils after the nail polish is dry.
98. Need an instant cuticle softener? Crisco or olive oil will work in a pinch.
99. Have a lip balm that doesn't work or tastes bad? Works great as a nighttime cuticle treatment.
100. Need to get super smooth heels? Soak in a
warm bath first to soften skin. Then apply a layer of oil, vaseline or a greasy type of moisturizer. Apply to your dry heels and then pumice away. The oils will the pumice buff off the dead skin and gives a
moisturizing treatment at the same time. Rinse off when done, for silky smooth feet.